《 泰坦尼克号 》
Listen, Rose...you're gonna get out of here. You're gonna go on...and you're gonna make lots of babies. And you're gonna watch them grow. You're gonna die an old...an old lady. Warm in her bed. Not here. Not this night. Not like this.

Installation of Algerian-Kuwaiti parliamentary friendship group

ALGIERS- The Algerian-Kuwaiti parliamentary friendship group was set up Tuesday at the People’s National Assembly, the

Parliament’s Lower House said in a statement.

The installation ceremony was chaired by the deputy speaker of the People’s National Assembly Omari Abdellah, in the presence of the chargé d’affaires ad interim at the embassy of Kuwait in Algeria Khaled Alyouha, president of the parliamentary group of the Movement for Society and Peace (MSP) Ahmed Saddouk and a representative of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and National Community Abroad.

On this occasion, Omari affirmed that “the relations between the two countries date back to the era of the national struggle against the occupation,” pointing out “the role of Kuwait alongside the Algerian Revolution against the French occupier, as well as partnership efforts and political and economic cooperation between the two countries which continued after the independence for the achievement of the social and economic development.”

“The relations between Algeria and Kuwait have a fraternal character based on ties of cooperation, friendship, mutual respect and convergence of views concerning a number of regional and international issues,” said the source.

He underlined that “the two countries aspire today to establish an exceptional partnership notably after the last official visit to President of the Republic Abdelmadjid Tebboune to Kuwait in February 2022, giving a further impetus to the bilateral relations at several levels.”

He welcomed the “exceptional” relations between the two countries, strengthened by the different activities, like official visits, training sessions as well as the participation in conferences and discussions between the presidents of the two legislative institutions in the different forums, added the source.

For his part, the head of the friendship group Zakaria Belkhir, said that “the group will work seriously for the creation of stronger ties between Algeria and Kuwait, in addition to the revitalization of the multi-dimensional parliamentary exchanges, notably at the political, economic, social, cultural, historical and religious levels.”

For his part, Alyouha dubbed “fraternal, strong and historical » the relations between Algeria and Kuwait, adding that “the installation of the friendship group will enable further strengthening these relations,” added the source.

Algeria-Libya: Attaf, Al-Mangoush discuss ways to enhance bilateral relations


The minister of Foreign Affairs and National Community Abroad, Ahmed Attaf, received Tuesday a phone call from his Libyan counterpart, Najla Al-Mangoush, during which they discussed the bilateral relations between the two countries and ways to enhance them, in addition to the latest developments at the regional level, the ministry said in a statement.
"The minister of Foreign Affairs and National Community Abroad, Ahmed Attaf, received Tuesday a phone call from his Libyan counterpart, Najla Al-Mangoush, who congratulated Minister Ahmed Attaf on his appointment as head of Algerian diplomacy," the statement said.
The two officials discussed the "fraternal relations between the two brother countries and peoples, and ways to strengthen them, in addition to the latest developments at the regional level."
They also "exchanged views on the means to overcome the obstacles hindering the political settlement of the Libyan crisis."
Attaf reiterated Algeria's permanent support to Libya for the strengthening of its unity and for a consensus among the Libyan people on the organisation of free and fair election, to put an end to division and allow Libya to regain its place at the continental and international levels.
Greeting Algeria's "constant support for Libya's security and stability," Najla Al-Mangoush stressed the "the deepness, historical and exceptional nature of the fraternal relations between Algeria and Libya."
She pointed out "the promising prospects for their strengthening to meet the expectations of the two brother peoples," the statement concluded.

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