GUIHUA Weekly 2406 | Emerging Technology

Brains of Society

As cities worldwide grapple with unprecedented challenges, from rapid urbanization to environmental sustainability, the limitations of traditional, centralized AI systems—dubbed "City Brain"—become increasingly apparent. The "Society Brains" model proposed in this paper marks a significant paradigm shift, advocating for a distributed, collective intelligence approach that leverages the interconnectedness and collaborative potential of urban populations.

In this issue, we present our most recent article, titled "Society Brains: Theoretical Model and Key Issues," examines the limitations of the "City Brain" concept in addressing modern urban challenges, advocating for a shift towards a "Society Brains" model.

It identifies four main technical challenges faced by the City Brain system and proposes the Society Brains model as a solution. This new model is based on collective intelligence, aiming to overcome the limitations of the single-brain system through a new AI model that emphasizes the collective learning of intelligent individuals. The paper discusses nine key issues related to the Society Brains model, including its origin, decision-making structure, function allocation, digital simulation, iterative development, and governance. It highlights the potential of Society Brains to advance the development of smart cities by fostering a more complex, dynamic, and interconnected approach to urban management and decision-making.

This article by us presents an innovative perspective on urban development, emphasizing the need for a shift from centralized, AI-driven models to a more distributed, collective intelligence approach. The authors convincingly argue that the complexity of urban challenges requires the integration of diverse data sources, decision-making processes, and learning mechanisms, which can only be achieved through the Society Brains model. They provide a comprehensive framework for understanding how such a model could function in practice, including its potential to enhance responsiveness, inclusivity, and sustainability in urban management. The discussion on governance and ethical considerations underlines the importance of transparency and public participation in the deployment of advanced technologies in urban contexts. This paper contributes significantly to the discourse on smart cities, offering valuable insights into the future of urban innovation and the role of artificial intelligence in achieving more adaptable and resilient urban systems.


#虚拟人# 【《杭州新闻联播》首推全AI主持播报 真人主播能回家过年了】

据杭州电视台综合频道消息,《杭州新闻联播》甲辰龙年上新两位新主播,包括年初一登场的 AI 主播小雨,和年初二亮相的 AI 主播小宇。据介绍,TA 们是杭州文广集团短视频 AI 生产实验车间开发生产的 AI 数字主播,以两位真人主播雨辰、麒宇为蓝本,采集生成而来。无论是形象、表情、声音都力求仿真。因为有了 AI 主播的假期替班,这两位主播终于可以回老家过年了。杭州电视台综合频道表示,《杭州新闻联播》在今年春节期间开“联播”之先河,创新地在整档节目中完全启用 AI 数字人播报。成为首个全数字人主持播报的“联播”类新闻节目。(IT之家)

【#OpenAI已组建新团队研究儿童安全# ,制定审查流程】
OpenAI 在社会活动家和家长的监督之下组建了一个新团队 —— 研究防止其 AI 工具被儿童误用或滥用的手段。OpenAI 官网更新了一则招聘信息,该公司当前正需要一名新的儿童安全执行专家。这项岗位负责在 AI 生成的内容中应用 OpenAI 政策,并制定与“敏感内容”(或与儿童有关)相关的审查流程。据外媒 TechCrunch 报道,这则招聘信息披露了 OpenAI 旗下儿童安全团队的存在,该团队与 OpenAI 内部的平台政策、法律和调查小组及外部合作伙伴合作,并管理与未成年用户有关的“流程、事件及审查”。(来源:IT之家)

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