美景是真的美景,我在赤道看见星空银河万里,(还有神似外星,火山口)但是不明事理,只身lonely,感觉被local driver 坑了好多money,at about 200k ruble ya、
好在我知道cest la vie ,得到与失去并存bearish on everything ,(塞翁失马,焉知非福),我和司机吵了架,不愿付他赌气回程价,他忘了我说“maybe i back to this place at 10o'clock”,留我归来独行use my feet very very long long way。
but anyway 在景区很开心他们都夸赞我的拍好,用英语吵架一股脑儿熟练yelling


Programa da ONU para o Meio Ambiente
Se colocar na ponta do lápis, o congestionamento das grandes cidades rouba algumas horas do seu dia e alguns dias do seu ano. Quer ganhar tempo, saúde e ajudar o planeta? Vá de bicicleta, caminhe ou use o transporte público .

#VivaMaisVerde # ODS13 #ODS11

See this joke just now by Facebook recommended, yesterday so happen to read a history story about crossing armies’ meaning. original good meaning is to approach god and get saved and forgiven but in the end the behaviour of the crossing armies in history has more o less kill many innocent humans because of food supplies and grabbed a lot of fortunes from others in the names of GOD. But for sure some of them indeed had god inside them but they in the end became a greedy group in money and in power. So each time they failed until people lost interests to go to form armies in history. Some of them used this to develop their own country, some of them use this to grab a lot of money, some of them use this to get saved, some of them use this to protect their heritage, some of them use this to carry out their power in church and control people. Fighting for power between kings and church pope at that old times. So a good thing , a good purpose with a devil heart in the end will come to another direction. Always. Humans don’t wake their civilizione up yet. Humans always seek religions to wake humans up. In the end, many different religions cause humans to have a lot of conflicts. If religions caused a lot of innoncet lives losing blood, it betrayed fighting meaning. we fight against devil mind and thoughts! Not fight for killing others to prove who are right. We fight for saving lives. So the following pic doesn’t have right version to see history. Knight spirit can not be abused in killing innocent lives. A real knight spirit is to try to save a lot of lives and respect. Humans are difficult to cut the greedy nature in money and power because they are taught by a lot of bad example in history, while history showed humans already there were no ways to be saved without waking their true civilisation up. Not abuse to any religions which caused non-stop fighting in a wrong and far way, a far from god saint way. [羞嗒嗒]May humans grow up

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