Yuna Nagaoka / Sumitada Moriguchi

We put out what we'd done in training, but found a lot of things to improve, so that is frustrating but we will fix them for the next opportunity.
The mistake on the salchow in the SP was very frustrating, but it was landed today, and the throw loop was great.
We are grateful that we could do three international competitions this season, and are thankful for everybody who has supported us - other athletes, family, coaches. I want to express my gratitude for that.
It's a big confidence boost that we could improve so much in a short amount of time, but I don't want to stop the growth here, we are aiming much further ahead to be even more stronger.
It was my first season doing pairs, I learned a lot and absorbed a lot, so it was a very dense season. Moving to Kinoshita academy, I am thankful for the academy, coaches, trainers, and my family who pushed me, and want to keep going and not forget that gratitude.
cr. Anything GOEs

【WINIL Daily】玄参科 亮红雨地花 Jamesbrittenia bergae南非

Jamesbrittenia bergae has a semi-upright(半直立的)mounding(堆/土堆) herbaceous(草本的) habit that spreads as wide as it does high, ultimately(最终的) to about 40-50cm. It has small, glandular(有腺的), slightly lobed(有裂片的) leaves up to 15 mm long and 5 mm wide. It branches readily(容易的/乐意的) to produce a fairly dense bush. The flowers are up to 30 mm wide with a narrow throat (corolla tube) about 15mm long. The filaments(花丝/灯丝) are fused(合生/合并) to the inside of the corolla tube. The flower colour is an intense(强烈的/紧张的) crimson(深红色的) red and is unique in the genus Jamesbrittenia in that it has a luminous(鲜亮的/发光的) quality(质感/质量), only seldom seen in the plant world in genera like Pelargonium. This makes this species highly ornamental.

Jamesbrittenia bergae is a fairly fast-growing perennial and will survive quite happily(恰当的/幸运的) for two to three years. Eventually old age will take its toll(毁坏/丧钟) as is the case with many of the perennial Jamesbrittenia species.

【WINIL Daily】虎耳草科 锯叶虎耳草 Saxafraga x geum 'Dentata'

An easy to grow evergreen(常绿的)perennial with rounded leaves and serrated(锯齿状) edges(边缘/刃). Frothy(浅薄的/有泡沫的)white blooms with a blush(脸红) of pink appear in spring on stiff(坚硬的/僵直的)stems that have a reddish cast, so it pairs well with deep purple or burgundy(紫红色/勃艮第) foliage.

serrations(锯齿) are remarkably(非同寻常的)symmetrical(对称的)and give the plant a very architectural(建筑学的)appeal. If you look closely each flower is adorned(装饰) with yellow and red (-polka dots 波尔卡圆点) . Spreads moderately fast to form large, dense colonies(群丛) in part shade to shade in rich, well drained soil with regular moisture in summer. Avoid blasting(爆炸/ 痛斥)sun and dust dry soil.

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