看完董宇辉啦~~ 做几组小小设计浅聊一下~~ 抖音咪咪们问好 香菜好像不高兴了 今天没播 那天穿了灰色、、下次补上哈 上次转了二老公 香菜 艾路威轮着转哈 韩国那边也都轮着转 二老公还是二老公哈~~~ 谢谢二老公视频里的话啦 很感动、、香菜不要生气啦 你的视频也很帅气啦~~ 下次支持香菜好吧~~ 今天支持董宇辉 还没做完呢 我攒了好几天内容 太多了 今天~~ 易咪咪 要不然您先休息 您那部分可能会今天晚一些~~ 我今天上午安排一下本地的转发~~ 个人内容晚些 完成 现在浅传几组设计~~~ 嗯嗯嗯~~ 晚安咪哦 亲亲咪~~~

Hello my wonderful amazing boss / bosses and all the wonderful amazing people on this ,,, I’m up now so have a packed day of work today cause I owe 2 days of work for both sides since I had to go to the housing interview ,,, and hope that’s going to work out quickly and smoothly ,,, and I’m going to repost party during the day today and later at night I’ll do my Chinese / boss care / Chinese TikTok care work which is of 2 days and we are still in the middle of the contract decision thing with the red boss so still have to work on that one while caring for my future business which is all of you too ,,, that will come first today so I will repost party first thing today but I’m going to be walking the dog twice from now on to get more exercise in for both me and him ,,, so yahhh sleeping at 10 every night and walking the dog twice and mid day noon nap and will try to stretch out and move around every hour or so during work cause I’m like immobile most of the time just stuck at a corner in a room on my phone all day lol which is very unhealthy so I want to / need to get out more so I’m going to be walking the dog around 8-9 and in the afternoon around 3-4 or 4-5 depending on the work status but yahhhh I’ll be repost partying during the day today and doing my Chinese work later around night time so yahhh got a full day packed of work and I have to call in my Chinese doctor to reschedule my appointment to Thursday cause I’m supposed to go in Tuesday but this week I wanna go on Thursday since I have a lot of work undone today and have been out all day yesterday ,,, Friday I’m going to my primary care doctor for the first time too so I have to be out that day too on Friday and Chinese doctor on Thursday so a very busy week this week that I won’t be around and also have to go to the dentist ,,, and reschedule that one cause I was supposed to go yesterday but I went to the housing thing so yahhhh I’ll be repost partying today so see y’all pretty soon I’m just doing a few mood boards right now to send in some designs / ideas ,,, hello my beautiful world of fashion will be connecting today I hope we will get to but I sure have to take care of the 7 companies first tooo but yahhhh sooo super busy and jam packed day and I need to sleep and exercise absolutely on time ,,,, okayyy talk to y’all soon hello everyone and morning my beautiful incredible boss / bosses and everyone hope y’all are having a beautiful amazing day I love love love you all so so much heart heart heart

得谢谢二老公回归今天 我才照的今日份自拍 要不然我昨天睡太晚 今天起太早 我其实今天不太想照 看见二老公回来了 高兴了照一下 哈哈哈~~~ “做你的猫” 哈哈哈哈~~~ 好吧 那就再浅传一组个人内容我就下播了 今天董宇辉也回播呢~~ 我太高兴他那儿现在有节目的回放了 因为他的黄金档是我的夜里四点、、、我真地是得夜里爬起来看他~~ 但我还是愿意的、、、唯一也就董宇辉我才愿意夜里爬起来看啦 还有春晚 哈哈哈~~ 让我把之前我错过的访谈节目都看了以后 继续交流哈 昨天有触动到的、、还得好好再认真看一看、、、太开心了 节目现在都有回放 因为我下播就得一点了 不过普通的直播还是没有回放的是吧、、、真讨厌 又搞易咪咪的事情 又晚睡了~~ 本来我可以十点睡 然后爬起来看董宇辉的~~ 我还尽量爬起来 但第二天也需要休息地更久 晚上不好好睡的话 除非早睡~~ 好的 从明天开始 还是坚持早睡啦~~ 十点每天睡觉 好的 再传一组内容 就晚安~~~

Selfies from today ,,, I’m going to try to catch sleep right now so I can repost party with y’all tmr ,,, I feel pretty exhausted today cause I slept at almost 4 last night and got up early again and cooking is very tiring cause you have to chop up lots of ingredients so I want to take it easy tmr but I will for sure repost and connect and communicate with all of you but I’m working on dialing back my clock to sleeping at 10 still ,,, I will repost more on Team Musk and all my bosses tmr ,,,, cause it’s getting late and I’m tired ,,, need to tend to my boss / bosses and everyone better ,,, be working on that tmr coming back for you guys !!!! Blame it on the red boss for screwing it up today again grrrrrr always have to battle it out with the boss / bosses ,,, anyways I love love love my real amazing blue ball big boss / bosses and everyone lovesssss so I will talk to all of you again tmr and I have one more content then I’m off ,,, okayyy love love love my incredible boss / bosses and love love love everyone

好多时尚品牌的心意啊 因为现在米兰时装周 我告知一下我晚些会转发的 因为我今天还要做一道菜 所以晚些转发 先谢谢一下fashion世界~~ hello my beautiful amazing incredible boss / bosses and all the beautiful amazing incredible people on this ,,, so I see so so many fashion loves sending me nice colored contents with thoughts and I really want to repost today but I do have to make a dish today but I’m saving what I see okay ?!?? If you put in the thoughts for your designs and want me to see it and present it and feature it I will ,,, just give it some time cause it’s so busy and packed on this channel and my sleeping pattern is yet again fucked sleeping at almost 4 again yesterday geeezusss ,,, and also I’m going to be making another dish today cause I screwed up on my dish yesterday but I’m making Korean today ,,, I’ll try to repost Mr. Musk later and that’s a must always just like all my bosses and everyone loves but I just want to thank all of you for your incredible thoughts of fashion and all the fashion girls for your thoughts and good work too soo nice thank you all ,,, I’ll definitely repost the fashion girls too ,,, says hi to Ashley and the sisters !!! Just want to thank the world of fashion for sending me your lovely designs with colors especially on your socials ,,, cause I see people follow my thread so I will make note and repost y’all okayyy ,,, please give it some time ,,, and with more time I’ll be able to wear all your incredible pieces and dress up my wardrobe ,,, absolutely can’t wait for that love love love everyone all so so much I’ll definitely be reposting as soon as I find the time but I’m going to be cooking now ,,, remaking a dish today cooking Korean today to tend to all my loves !!!! Thank you so much everyone for your love kindness patience and thoughts ,,, I couldn’t thank y’all enough and also happy birthday to Zuck’s wife I believe he posted yesterday and I’ll definitely find time to repost when I become available on this with everything ,,, sorrrrrryyyyyy I’m so fucking busy always arrrrrrrrghhhhhhhh I don’t even sleep that much arrrrghhhh I want to have the time for everybody rawrrrrrr anyways love love love all my loves everyone heart heart heart!!!! See y’all in a bit thank you love you world of fashion will be reposting for sure thank you for sending me all your lovessssss

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  • 要求有专辑,有反黑,不是,不担八棒跑三,没嘴过我兴。阅读滋养了孩子的成长路,也陪伴了我成为更好父母的教育之途。
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