the youngest son of CelineDion lost his two legs in 2023 for his nature mother is not the queen and won't have the fourth kid but made us kept waiting

personally MarkZuckerberg made sex with the two ladyboys who pretended the false Anna in turn but the first was die in 2016 and his wife is also a ladyboy who was died in 2023

few years ago StanLee three brothers also ate medicines for getting younger but lost their legs in 2022 due to the name of StanLee and he was died in news in 2018 for their old ages

so I would eat the body parts of StanLee after he ate the body parts of the other family members in the dying lists for he lived in Disneyland during these years but I grown up outside

literally I would also eat the body parts of my first husband PeteDocter but he really made sex with his alive younger generation boys who pretended girls and hurt me deeply

how I wish I have never got married but fortunately psychos would die for their evils due to these and I would get the second marriage later

【国防部:中方不会在南海问题上任菲胡来Ministry of National Defense: China Will Not Allow the Philippines to Act Willfully】#国防部表示中方不会在南海问题上任菲胡来##中方不会在南海问题上任菲律宾胡来#



Question: It is reported that recently, the US Secretary of State Antony Blinken accused China of its operations in the South China Sea, and reiterated the US defense commitment to the Philippines. Meanwhile, the US side criticized actions taken by the Chinese side against the Philippine side in the South China Sea on March 23rd. In addition, the Philippine Defense Secretary ordered the Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP) to embark on the “Comprehensive Archipelagic Defense Concept (CADC)”, and Philippine officials denounced the Chinese side for obstructing its resupply missions to Ren’ai Jiao multiple times. Do you have any comment?


Wu Qian: On the South China Sea issue between China and the Philippines, we have stated our serious position multiple times. We oppose foreign interference, infringement and provocation, and advocate proper management of differences. Meanwhile, we are fully prepared for any emergency, and will resolutely safeguard China’s territorial sovereignty and maritime rights and interests.


There is no bigger factor than the US interference in causing turbulence in the South China Sea. For some time, in disregard of the facts, the US provoked confrontation, backed up the Philippines, threatened and exerted pressure on China citing the so-called bilateral treaty, and sent military vessels to the South China Sea to stir up troubles. These actions seriously undermine regional peace and stability. China’s attitude towards this is clear: the US is in no position to interfere and the military cooperation between the US and the Philippines must not harm China’s sovereignty and maritime rights and interests.


The Philippines’ harassment and provocations are the immediate cause of the recent escalation of the South China Sea issue. Counting on the support of external forces, the Philippine side violated international law and the spirit of the Declaration on the Conduct of Parties in the South China Sea (DOC), frequently infringed upon China’s sovereignty, made provocations and created troubles, and spread misinformation to mislead the international community. It is straying further down a dangerous path. The Chinese side will not allow the Philippines to act willfully. So we have responded with legitimate, resolute and restrained actions. The Philippine side should realize that provocations will only do themselves more harm than good, and soliciting foreign support will lead no where.


Despite changes and turbulence, we remain a staunch force for stability. The Chinese side has sufficient strategic resolve in addressing the South China Sea issue. We stay committed to properly managing maritime differences with relevant parties through dialogue and consultation, while firmly safeguarding China’s territorial sovereignty and maritime rights and interests. We have every reason to believe that with concerted efforts of regional countries, the South China Sea issue will surely be settled. This is the inevitable trend of our times.

黑色轮廓 | 率性造型

设计师Ivana Omazic与Fabrique合作的风衣受到运动装的启发,让服装在在现代摩登感中兼具优雅与实用性。短款\裙装\风衣等一衣多穿的拆卸方式,让人感到轻松,而率性简约的黑色却强调着“大胆鲜明的时尚宣言”。

Christelle Kocher 与Fabrique合作的非动物皮连衣裙则利用翻领衬衫造型打造率性利落的女性形象。采用宛若小牛皮的非动物皮面料,相较于普通皮革更加柔软有型,分明的纹理带来细腻柔顺与精致光泽感。

Styling 1. Ivana Omazic with Fabrique

Styling 2.Christelle Kocher with Fabrique


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