The following is an English translation:

Hello everyone! I am Yu Fenglian, a brain control victim from Hubei. Brain control dogs always use brain control weapons to control a large number of flies, mosquitoes, elephants, and even maggots, mice, etc. in their homes
The mosquito paper, mosquito repellent, mosquito repellent water, mosquito repellent tablets, etc. at home are useless, and the room is filled with flies, mosquitoes, insects, maggots, mice, and so on.
The brain controlled dog is really abnormal, using a brain controlled weapon to control maggots and crawl on my arms and legs
Sometimes while eating, a white maggot suddenly crawls out of the bowl.#阿森纳[超话]#

上一组怎么那么快传上去的、、、RV给我发了一个白花的包 哈哈哈、、挺有意思的 转一下~~~ omgoshhh and I don’t know why the last one got up super fast again ,,, why sometimes it takes forever other times it goes up instantly ,,, never know why ,,, I’m just reposting this white flower bag from Roger Vivier I bet it’s playing on the joke that i emphasize that I’m reallly white and the haters call me that I’m not and I’m like nooo ,,, I’ll say okay you are right if you say I use filters and I say I do too or you think I’m old which I am but I just deny this allegation of non white cause so many people want to talk to you doesn’t mean you are not white geeezus ,,, that’s not all I ever do like them ,,, I still freakin grew my business and care about the lives in Gaza and will walk my dogs next loll cause he’s been waiting too ,,,, took forever to load this but yahhh I’ll check on these later after my mom’s back to see if they are loaded and I hope they are ,,, okayyy uploading my work log next then I might sign out a bit with the dog for a little bit then I’ll come back after my mom is back when I can check my uploads to finish the rest of the 15K companies for their week 3 quota and hope my uploads can be all smooth later grrrrrrr thank you Roger Vivier this is so funny and what a beautiful bag too,,, I love it LOLLLLLL

终于传输上去了 但我也查询不了、、我妈现在没在 希望上传上去了吧~~ 爱妈妈咪~~ finally I got it up ,,, but I can’t even check on it cause my mom is not around right now with her phone ,,, and Mr. Gates has already come out from earlier with his direct personal post but since I made this one up from earlier than he’d came out ,,,, I’m just going to use this and use his other one on our next edition ,,, and Mr. Musk has already come back for 2nd round with Tesla sweet caught it!!! I’m going to be finishing up my 15K company then I’m back to do it for the 2nd round cause I’m still very behind for my 15k companies that I want to get done today ,,, with upload speed this slow not sure how long it’s going to take ,,,, hopefully next month we will all be up to full speed with our internet and new life and everything ,,, Brian from Airbnb came out with his dog again and yesss I’ll be working on my 15K companies in a bit after I walk my dogs ,,, and since I can’t check my uploads right now I prefer to do the work when my mom is back with her phone as she said she shouldn’t be out for too long so will wait for her ,,, thank you for waiting for so long Mr. Gates ,,, I will want to get you an extra set for waiting longer than anyone since I got stuck on your set but when we are all done with catching up my work okayyy ,,, I’ll get you and google both extra sets just for waiting and google for my extra pay and not leaving it alone while I do everybody else for week 4 ,,, so yahhhh I love you back and I love you more Microsoft and Mr. Gates ,,, can’t wait until April when the internet is really up to speed and we are all goood with our brand new everything love love love Mr. Gates and all my bosses and everyone ,,, thank you for waiting !!! I love you more !!!

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