花旗银行不怎么出来 那天我贴了王嘉尔的老照 马上出来响应了一组紫色微笑的 哈哈、、、但是又不出来了 我都没得转发他的~~ 就看见老照笑了笑 哈哈哈哈、、、ohhh I seee Brian from Airbnb with his dog on again with Pixar dogs so cute awwww ,,, I’m saving that one for my week 4 quota to repost in the next 2 days okayyy ,,, so hold on to that Brian and Airbnb love you guys !!! and I finally caught citi one time at a very felling moment ,,, it came out 3 days ago when I posted the old picture of the black boss and made them laugh ,,, finally came out !!! Cause it’s really rare to see citi and I hope to see you on more often cause I gotta repost you 2-3 times per week but you don’t post a whole lot even in the past so I encourage you to engage more often and keep it more active with everybody so we can all get our features and showcase our work ,,, very proud to present you citi ,,, my first credit card was from Citibank when I was 19 so just some cheers here and there and hope y’all come out more often but that’s definitely a very laughable moment I agree,,, glad people had a good laugh out of that lol lol I wish to entertain y’all more with my content but first I need faster internet so I can get everything going more up to speed so behind already geeezus !!! Thank you citi for coming out love you !!!!

终于有个投行是打网球儿的了 网球儿我小时候也学过 但是没太好好学 打得比较烂 高尔夫我学地好一点、、现在也比较喜欢、、我还参加了篮球和排球的校队 都是第三梯队 是真地打得很烂了 一看我就比较艺术 哈哈哈 但是高尔夫我是喜欢的、、、浅聊一会儿~~ ohhh niceee JP Morgan is on the tennis tournament as all the other banking firms are on golf ,,, what I noticed ,,, that’s so cool and interesting y’all got your own field of support ,,, I also took tennis classes too besides golf when I was young but I didn’t take it too seriously and I sucked ,,, and also played volleyball and basketball in high school cause they make you join a team ,,, and I obviously sucked in those sport being on the 3rds team more like bench players but actually the coaches were really nice so they make sure we all played lolll ,,, clearly more into the arts and music but I really love golf tho and swimming I loveeeee and I need to get moving ,,, feel so stuck at this everyday glued to my phone not the healthiest need to get moving ,,, but yahhhh want to get back to playing golf sometimes maybe ,,, and tennis looks fun too ,,, I might try again so yahhh thank you for supporting the sports league all the banking firms I see y’all do ,,,, how nice !!! Loveeee you JP Morgan ,,, see you around really soon

摩根大通 还有两间公司 太慢了、、、onto JP Morgan ,,,, last week I had JP Morgan going first from the chart and this week I started with the order it was seen so hope people don’t mind it and everyone is always getting covered ,,, I’m behind on Mr. Musk right now cause Mr. Musk sent out the Tesla edition and I haven’t gotten to it cause it’s really lengthy and I’m behind on all of my work ,,, fuck I also have to do the green boss’s special series and before I do that I want to tend to my Korean loves ,,, I see Felix and I.N. from stray kids both posting ,,, before I get to the green boss stuff I will have to take care of the Korean loves first that’s what I want to do so I’m really packed and behind right now ,,, cause I’m not even done with my own work and Mr. Musk’s edition I still owe so so behind right now ,,, blame on the slow internet I could have done everything faster but yahhh I’ll get to JP Morgan first next week going with the chart order if it minds ,,, just varies sometimes so people take rounds getting cared for on this ,,, so yahhh love love love y’all so so much thank you JP Morgan for always being supportive love you JP Morgan

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