【#当英文遇上传统文化#】#北京天气太好排队看花# [给你小心心][送花花]
英译: “There is nothing here South of the Yangtze but a sprig of plum blossom that I can send you as a token.” (翻译出自《古语金句》)

#英语[超话]# #古语金句# #用英语讲中国故事#

"Don't assume everyone older than you knows what they're doing. Nobody has all the answers, and everyone is navigating their own path. Education not only teaches us how to think, but also provides us with the freedom to choose what we think about. …It's incredibly easy to go through your life completely unconscious, just doing what everyone else thinks just just following the crowd.

As we embark on our journey, it's easy to succumb to societal pressures and chase after money, beauty, power, or intellect. However, I promise you if you chase money, you're always going to feel poor. If you worship beauty and physical appearance, you are always going to feel ugly. If you worship power, you're always going to feel weak. You're gonna feel like never had enough.

So as you go as an adult, the hardest thing you're going to have to choose is choose what you value and what you pay attention to, and what you care about. And you're going to have to choose how you live your life. As we make these choices, we shape the narrative of our existence."

你是一棵树。我常常依偎在你的怀里,你为我遮风挡雨。你是我的伞,永远在你的呵护下,为我撑起一片蓝天!亲爱的妈妈,祝您母亲节快乐!直到凉爽的晚风吹过,我才意识到秋天——我的季节——已经到来。You are a tree. I often snuggle in your arms and you shelter me from the wind and rain. You are my umbrella, always under your care, hold up a blue sky for me! Dear mom, I wish you a happy Mother's Day! It was not until the cool evening breeze blew that I realized that autumn, my season, had arrived.

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