Nicholas Tse Takes on Action Directing: "Customs Frontline" Premieres at Udine's Far East Film Festival

In the serene city of Udine, amidst the excitement of the 26th Far East Film Festival—an exceptional event that brings Asian cinema to Europe—Nicholas Tse unveiled his latest venture, Customs Frontline. Tse stars and debuts as the action director, marking a fundamental shift in his celebrated career. This film is more than just entertainment; it's a call to action for the next generation of filmmakers, urging them to embrace the visceral thrill of authentic stunt work that defines Hong Kong cinema.

In Customs Frontline, Tse champions the use of real stunts over computer-generated imagery. His dedication to authenticity brings an unparalleled intensity to the screen—car crashes, explosive sequences, and harrowing falls from significant heights, including a daring seven-story drop performed by Tse himself. These feats aren't just for show; they demonstrate Tse's commitment to the craft and his desire to maintain the integrity of action filmmaking.

Tse's approach is rooted in deep respect for the traditional methods of Hong Kong action films. By personally performing these dangerous scenes, Tse not only highlights the risks and dangers involved but also addresses the real fear that accompanies such acts. He openly shares these experiences to demonstrate that feeling fear is natural and managing it is part of the process, providing a powerful lesson for aspiring filmmakers.

‘There's fear. If I felt nothing, neither would the audience. It’s important they share in the tension and danger. That authenticity is what I strive for, to make every scene resonate with real emotion,’ says Nicholas Tse.

For Nicholas, tackling these thrilling moments head-on isn't just about authenticity; it's also about leadership and inspiration. He believes that showing courage and determination in the face of danger can galvanize an entire production team. ‘When a general really does his part and succeeds, the army becomes ten times stronger,’ he notes. This leadership style is vital for Tse as he aims to instill confidence and ignite a passion for traditional stunt work—a style he passionately upholds in Hong Kong action cinema.

In his new role as an action director, Nicholas Tse is more than just a star. He's a mentor and an inspiration, hoping to keep the excitement and tradition of Hong Kong cinema going strong for future generations. Through his efforts, Tse aims to ensure that the spirit of classic action cinema continues to inspire and excite audiences and creators alike. He wants the younger generation to love watching and making action movies as much as he does, keeping the classic Hong Kong action style alive and well. Through this film, he's looking to spark a new interest in real, live-action filmmaking among young directors and movie fans around the world.


Speaking to Arsenal captain Martin Odegaard after the 3-0 win over Bournemouth this weekend, asked if the persistent name checks Ten Hag has made to the Gunners was any additional motivation for the trip.

“Honestly, no,” the Norwegian said. “I don’t think so.

“It’s like any other game we are playing for at the moment. I don’t think we need any extra motivation at the moment.

“I think there is enough there. We know what we are playing for. We know the task. We have to win every game and that is what we are going to try to do.”

Now, Mikel Arteta has often used narratives to provide something of a metaphorical kick to his side. Using Ivan Toney’s tweet for instance which was revealed during Amazon’s All or Nothing documentary covering the 2021/22 season. It seems that Ten Hag presents the perfect opportunity for some inspiration despite the club’s captain stating otherwise.

【捷克电信监管机构计划为铁路客车上的5G投入3亿捷克克朗】据网站 5月6日报道,捷克监管机构CTU发起了一项名为“铁路车厢5G技术设备”的补贴招标,旨在提高铁路车厢内移动服务的可用性和质量。该呼吁是在该国的国家复苏计划中与工业和贸易部密切合作进行的。



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