Can’t Catch Me Now

There's blood on the side of the mountain
There's writing all over the wall
Shadows of us are still dancin'
In every room and every hall
There's snow fallin' over the city
You thought that it would wash away
The bitter taste of my fury
And all of the messes you made
Yeah, you think that you got away

But I'm in the trees, I'm in the breeze
My footsteps on the ground
You'll see my face in every place
But you can't catch me now
Through wading grass, the months will pass
You'll feel it all around
I'm here, I'm there, I'm everywhere
But you can't catch me now
No, you can't catch me now

Bet you thought I'd never do it
Thought it'd go over my head
I bet you figured I'd pass with the winter
Be somethin' easy to forget
Oh, you think I'm gone 'cause I left

But I'm in the trees, I'm in the breeze
My footsteps on the ground
You'll see my face in every place
But you can't catch me now
Through wading grass, the months will pass
You'll feel it all around
I'm here, I'm there, I'm everywhere
But you can't catch me now
No, you can't catch me now

Ooh, ooh
Ooh, ooh

You can't, you can't catch me now
I'm comin' like a storm into your town
You can't, you can't catch me now
I'm higher than the hopes that you brought down
You can't, you can't catch me now
I'm comin' like a storm into your town
You can't, you can't catch me now
I'm higher than the hopes that you brought down
You can't, you can't catch me now
I'm comin' like a storm into your town
You can't, you can't catch me now
You can't, you can't, you can't

There's blood on the side of the mountain
It's turning a new shade of red
Yeah, sometimes the fire you founded
Don't burn the way you'd expect
Yeah, you thought that this was the end


l go to work l'm laughing with my friends

but l can’t stop to keep myself from thinking

l wonder how lwonder why

oh yeah and all my love

l'm holding on forever

reaching for a love that seems so far


刘宇宁开始推理吧 |

#SEVENTEEN[超话]#SEVENTEEN 歌曲在 Billboard Japan Hot 100 最高peak

1 Mai Ochiru Hanabira
1 Hitori Janai
2 Happy Ending
2 Ai no Chikara
7 Super
11 HOT
14 God of Music
15 Darl+ing
20 HIT
23 24H
24 Fear
25 Rock with you
30 Ima -Even if the world ends tomorrow-
32 Sara Sara
34 Home
38 Ready to love
39 Oh My!
50 Left&Right

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