#lead潮流# 继夜幕卡萨布兰卡百合、暗夜女王、马鞍匠、烟蕴橙香及远古香草五重奏之后,BYREDO夜幕系列再出新作:Night Veils Rouge Chaotique夜幕无序浓香精。


源于品牌创始人兼创意总监Ben Gorham的个人理念,作为BYREDO夜幕系列首款木质美食调香水,Night Veils Rouge Chaotique夜幕无序浓香精灵感源于所有创作过程中都难以避免的“混乱”作为独特表达形式。当黑暗带来夜的启示,散乱的思绪如碎片般被凝聚成文字、影像或是诗歌的段落,霎时间让人心潮涌动。

English With #Chubbyemu#
Episode 5️⃣1️⃣
‍♀️ KT’s Beard ‍♀️
➡️ https://t.cn/A6OLkNSe
Nocturnal Somnambulation 夜间梦游
Sleep Apnea 睡眠呼吸骤停
Rapid Onset Hirsutism 多毛症
Menarche 初潮
Acanthosis Nigricans 黑棘皮病(acan-spine/Stratum Spinosum layer of the skin, osis-disease of, Nigricans-blackening)
Stratum Spinosum 棘细胞
Velvety 天鹅绒状的
Axilla 腋部
Insulin Resistance 胰岛素抵抗
Type II Diabetes 二型糖尿病
Serum Aminotransferase 血清转氨酶(serum-the amber coloured liquid that separates out when blood coagulates)
Hepatitis 肝炎
Kayser-Fleischer Rings 角膜色素环(copper deposit in eye)
Wilson’s Disease 威尔逊病
Nonalcoholic Liver Disease 非酒精性脂肪肝
Low Motivation 意志减退
Sleep Derangement 失眠紊乱
Intermittent Oxygen Desaturation 间歇性氧饱和度下降
Serum Testosterone 血清睾酮
Hyperandrogenemia 高雄激素血症(hyper-high, androgen-male hormone, emia-presence in blood)
Estrogen 雌性激素
Estradiol 雌二醇
Endocrinopathy 内分泌疾病
Androstenedione 外周雄烯二酮
Obstructive Sleep Apnea 阻塞性呼吸睡眠暂停
Ovary Syndrome 卵巢疾病
Anabolic Steroid 合成类类固醇
Gynecomastia 男性乳房发育症
Anti-aromatase 芳香化酶抑制剂
Peripheral Conversion 外周转化
Striae 纹路
Hyperinsulinemia 高胰岛素血症
Menstruation 月经
Anovulation 排卵停止
Endometrial Cancer 子宫内膜癌
Bilateral Sclerocystic Ovaries 双侧卵巢硬囊性病变(bilateral-on both sides, sclero-harddened, cystic-cyst/abdominal sac containing fluid)
Follicle 卵泡
Polycystic Ovary Syndrome 多囊卵巢综合症(PCOS)
Pelvic Ultrasound 盆腔超声
Amenorrhea 闭经
Gonadotropin Hormone 促性腺激素
Exogenous 外源性的
Acne 痔疮
Adrenal Glands 肾上腺
Adrenaline 肾上腺素
Congenial Adrenal Hyperplasia 先天性肾上腺增生
Acromegaly 肢端肥大症(excess growth hormones caused by pituitary垂体的 tumour)
Metformin 二甲双胍
Progestin 孕激素
Combination Oral Contraceptives 复方短效口服避孕药 (suppress liver glucose production)
Venous Thromboembolism 静脉血栓
Pulmonary Embolism 肺栓塞
Ethinyl Estradiol 炔雌醇药物

Androgens affect ventilator control and increase visceral fat.
Obstructive sleep apnea typically occurs in boys.
In normal functioning women, 25% of all testosterone is from ovaries; another 50% is created through peripheral conversion of androstenedione; the adrenal glands produce the remaining 25%.
Testosterone is an obligate intermediate in the biosynthesis of estradiol.
Androstenedione is produced by ovaries and is the precursor hormone of testosterone and estrogen.
Peripheral conversion: liver, skin, fat tissues
Testosterone and estrogen are formed from the same common pathway, deriving from cholesterol.
Insulin is a powerful stimulus for the fate tissue to produce more testosterone through peripheral conversion of androstenedione.
Hyperinsulinemia increases ovarian steroidogenesis.
Increased testosterone levels lead to temporary development of acne, hirsutism, and weight gain.
Disease with similar symptoms to PCOS: Congenial Adrenal Hyperplasia, ovarian tumor, thyroid disorders, insulin resistance, Cushing’s Disease, Acromegaly
Combination oral contraceptives require follow-up because they are associated with a four-fold increase of venous thromboembolism.
Increased testosterone levels lead to temporary development of acne, hirsutism, and weight gain.
Diseas with similar symptoms to PCOS: Congenial Adrenal Hyperplasia, ovarian tumor, thyroid disorders, insulin resistance, Cushing’s Disease, Acromegaly
Combination oral contraceptives requires follow-up because they are associated with a four-fold increase of venous thromboembolism.

#lead潮流# 锦沧文华广场周年庆盛大启幕。

8 月 18 日,作为南京西路的消费新地标,焕新升级后的锦沧文华广场(JC PLAZA)迎来周年庆典。启幕一年来,JC PLAZA 以其别具一格的奢潮业态重塑南京西路商业格局,并持续联合场内品牌推出体验式主题活动,拓展消费新场景。为庆贺开业 一周年,JC PLAZA 更是打造以海滨落日为概念主题的周年庆典活动,为沪上消费者呈现每刻不同的生活灵感体验。当日傍晚,政府代表、品牌伙伴及媒体嘉宾齐聚现场。

值此周年之际,JC PLAZA 还携手场内热门品牌,带来积分抽奖、限时消费礼遇、限时入会礼赏、限时升级礼遇、停车权益升级等一系列 JC Club 锦里会会员专属礼遇,为宾客们送上丰富多彩的购物体验。 此外,为增强体验感,现场设立了一系列意趣十足的游戏互动装置。

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