love each other

Today, I learned a new sentence, which I think is very beautiful. This sentence tells us that we need to love each other, so we need to love each other a little more. As long as everyone gives a little love, the world will become a warm world.

Give, and it will be given to you. A good measure, pressed down, shaken together and running over, will be poured into your lap. For with the measure you use, it will be measured to you.”

We should be filial to our parents, pay more attention to their health, listen to them and love them as much as we can.

We should forgive our parents for their mistakes, look at their merits and don't blame them.


Now the Buddha is putting forth light to help promote the meaning of reality:

The Buddha gave light and blessed the Dharma community to see each other. The infinite dharma is present, present, and present. So this kind of "seeing" is to see with the eyes, is still convenient guidance, the eyes see is not true; But when you know that what your eyes see is not the truth, it is the truth. This "see" must be able to avoid the eyes under the circumstances, your heart can see can believe. This is called "true insight". This is called "promoting reality".


丹麦的经济节能微型住宅,由LETH & GORI设计完成。

Affordable sustainable mini-house designed in 2014 by LETH & GORI’s Brick House is a project that creates innovation by reinventing history. By revisiting materials and solutions from historic houses which have proven to be robust and have a long life span a new type of contemporary sustainable house is created.

Brick House is part of a development project titled Mini-CO2 houses initiated by the philanthropic foundation Realdania. The goal of Realdania’s project is to develop affordable sustainable houses with a low CO2 footprint. A total of six houses have been built on a site in Nyborg Denmark. Each house with a different approach to how CO2 reduction can be achieved for example by focusing on materials and building techniques or by focusing on aiding the inhabitants to reduce CO2. located in Nyborg, Denmark.

LETH & GORI’s Brick House is a project that creates innovation by reinventing history. By revisiting materials and solutions from historic houses which have proven to be robust and have a long life span a new type of contemporary sustainable house is created. Brick House is part of a development project titled Mini-CO2 houses initiated by the philanthropic foundation Realdania. The goal of Realdania’s project is to develop affordable sustainable houses with a low CO2 footprint. A total of six houses have been built on a site in Nyborg Denmark. Each house with a different approach to how CO2 reduction can be achieved for example by focusing on materials and building techniques or by focusing on aiding the inhabitants to reduce CO2.

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