以我为中心 - 也就是说,只要是以心为师,那么烦恼将会无穷尽;相反地,若成为心之师,把自己的一念指向明朗、愉快的一面,那么,四周亦会随之转向这个方向。
18th Oct,Today’s Guidance:
As long as we remain preoccupied with our own troubles, as long as we allow ourselves to blindly follow the impulsive dictates of our mind, our sufferings will continue. What we must do is to become the masters of our mind, not let it be our master, and consciously redirect our mind and its thoughts in a positive and pleasant direction and help others around us do the same. https://t.cn/R2WxksT

【乌镇嘉年华壁纸来啦!】除了戏剧佳作与青年竞演,第八届#乌镇戏剧节# 还带来2000余场古镇嘉年华演出。漫步在金秋江南的阡陌古巷,一起邂逅木偶戏、互动演出等各种表演吧。Meet in an ancient town in the name of drama. Here are some wallpapers we produce at the street carnivals of the 8th Wuzhen Theatre Festival. Please feel free to download them. This 10-day carnival features over 2,000 performances including classical plays, puppet shows, local operas, interactive performances, and more. Troupes, individual artists, and budding thespians from around China have congregated here for the festival. Tourists can create their own itineraries every day as they roam the old streets and narrow alleys of this historic water town. #2021乌镇戏剧节#

#英语四级[超话]# 嗯,不过你依然不是只好猴子

News : The Prince of Wales expressed his pride over his son, The Duke of Cambridge for his project, The Earthshot Prize :
"I am very proud of my son, William, for his growing commitment to the environment and the bold ambition of the Earthshot Prize. As a world, we need to come together to inspire, reimagine and build the sustainable future we so desperately need.
"Over the coming decade, with future generations in mind, The Earthshot Prize, and its inspirational nominees, will help us find the innovative solutions. In parallel, through my Terra Carta and Sustainable Markets Initiative, we will work to mobilize the trillions of dollars required to transition the global economy onto a more sustainable trajectory. Together, with all those who join us, we have a real opportunity to deliver a brighter future for humanity while restoring harmony between Nature, People and Planet" -October 17th 2021.
Awww that's so cute . We are all so proud of William ❤️. Let's all support him today, it's a huge and important day for him .
Photo : To celebrate Father's Day 2020, Kensington Palace releases this picture of The Duke of Cambridge with his father, The Prince of Wales, taken by The Duchess of Cambridge, as they pose for an official portrait (in December 2019) at Sandringham in Norfolk, England -June 21st 2020.
Warm picture .

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