【Price hikes to moderate in China: official 市场价格基本稳定】
March 17 (Xinhua) -- China's consumer prices will rise at a slower pace over the rest of the year as the country has largely curbed the spread of the novel coronavirus disease (COVID-19) and business activities have steadily returned to normal, an official with the country's top economic planning agency said Tuesday.

"There's no basis for overall price hikes," Peng Shaozong, deputy director of the Department of Price under the National Development and Reform Commission, said at an online press conference, citing that China has a resilient and vibrant economy, abundant supplies of agricultural and industrial products as well as fast-developing service industries.

Because of strong demand and disrupted transportation, prices of pork and vegetables surged last month, pushing China's consumer price index up 5.2 percent.

Retail prices of pork in supermarkets and other marketplaces monitored by the commission, however, have kept falling during the past 30 days, mainly due to the release of frozen pork from state reserves.

Pork prices in southern Chinese city of Shenzhen, for instance, have dropped below 76 yuan (about 11 U.S. dollars) per kilo from a high of 98 yuan per kilo, Peng said, adding that the continuous recovery of pig production would further stabilize prices.

#新型冠状病毒肺炎# 【默克尔: 最多70%德国人可能感染新冠病毒】Up to 70 percent of the population is likely to be infected with the coronavirus, German Chancellor Angela Merkel said.
“When the virus is out there, the population has no immunity and no therapy exists, then 60 percent to 70 percent of the population will be infected,” she told a news conference in Berlin. “The process has to be focused on not overburdening the health system by slowing the virus’s spread... It’s about winning time.”
Germany has at least 1,613 cases of the virus, according to Johns Hopkins University.

【#北京82.7万返京人员正居家观察#】About 827,000 people who recently traveled back to Beijing are currently in a 14-day self-quarantine at home, said Zhang Tongjun, a local official, during a press briefing on Friday. He added that now is the most challenging time for the city with regard to control and prevention work against the new coronavirus as more people within the country go back to work and amid surging cases worldwide.

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