Stanford professor Robert Sapolsky's statement of tournament species vs pair-bonding species is just so mind-blowing, inspiring and astonishing!!! It seems like we - human bodies are just the vessels of genes and one's fate is largely determined and told through appearance, though I'd rather believe our fate is a magnificent nuance between nature and nurture.

#每日一善[超话]##微公益# [羞嗒嗒]#阳光信用# [羞嗒嗒]#每日一善# 人人存善念,并能日行一善,则个人、家庭、社会一定安乐祥和。这世上,有时笑笑人家,有时给别人笑笑自己,放轻松,给自己快乐,也给别人快乐。同学丢一张纸屑—那是制造恶业;我们捡起一张纸屑—这是累积善业Everyone has good thoughts and can do good every day, then the individual, family and society will be happy and peaceful. In this world, sometimes you laugh at others, sometimes you laugh at yourself for others, relax, make yourself happy, and make others happy. Students throw a piece of paper scraps-that is to create bad karma; Let's pick up a piece of paper scraps-it's accumulated good deeds.。 ​​​

#英语小馆English Library# #中英双语论语#
The Master said,”I have talked with my disciple Hui for a whole day, without him making any objection to anything I said, as if he were stupid. But when he left I thought over his conduct, and found that indeed he was able to put my teachings into practice! Hui is certainly not stupid.”

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