#AMB潮玩NFT[超话]# A day can bring about many exciting events,
but an individual's energy and financial resources are limited.
In 2024, I hope you won't be as indecisive as you were in 2023.
Stay focused, create a solid inscription, earn your first pot of gold, and then consider venturing into higher goals like A8 and A9.
Keep a clear mind and avoid impulsive investments.
Where does the money come from?
Walk the path of virtue, whether it leads you north or south.
Where does one belong?
Like water's benevolence and virtue carrying things, hope that AMBBI (AMB) truly unites and conquers together!
Let your actions be virtuous and accumulate blessings.
Embrace the future!
#AMB #AMBBi #BRC #BRC20 #BRC69 #Ordinals #Btc #Ordi #Sats #Rats #69Frog #NodeMonkes


#Bitmap #recursive #inscription

#AMB潮玩NFT[超话]#A day can bring about many exciting events,
but an individual's energy and financial resources are limited.
In 2024, I hope you won't be as indecisive as you were in 2023.
Stay focused, create a solid inscription, earn your first pot of gold, and then consider venturing into higher goals like A8 and A9.
Keep a clear mind and avoid impulsive investments.
Where does the money come from?
Walk the path of virtue, whether it leads you north or south.
Where does one belong?
Like water's benevolence and virtue carrying things, hope that AMBBI (AMB) truly unites and conquers together!
Let your actions be virtuous and accumulate blessings.
Embrace the future!
#AMB #AMBBi #BRC #BRC20 #BRC69 #Ordinals #Btc #Ordi #Sats #Rats #69Frog #NodeMonkes


#Bitmap #recursive #inscription

GenZ is not a monolith~

“The question isn’t whether young adults today are different from middle-aged or older adults today.  The question is whether young adults today are different from young adults at some specific point in the past …

“As many critics of generational research point out, there is a great diversity of thought, experience, and behavior within generations. The key is to pick a lens that’s most appropriate for the research question that’s being studied …

“By choosing not to use the standard generational labels when they’re not appropriate, we can avoid reinforcing harmful stereotypes or oversimplifying people’s complex lived experiences.”

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